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Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

Disease Diagnosis

  • Cancer Stages
  • Pancreatitis- Acute & Chronic
  • Bowel Leakage
  • Tumor abnormalities
  • Lump/lesion examination
  • Cysts
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What is Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)?

Endoscopic ultrasound combines endoscopy and ultrasound procedures. Ultrasound is the method of sending sound waves to organs through an externally placed transducer to obtain images of the targeted organs. Most commonly observed organs are uterus, pancreas, gall bladder, etc. In EUS procedure, the transducer is attached at the tip of the endoscope. Since the transducer is closer to the organ being inspected, it gives better and clearer images of the organs.

Endoscopic ultrasound is used in evaluating cancer stages, pancreatitis, tumors, bowel leakage and more. Moreover, lymph nodes and blood vessels can also be examined along with the traditional digestive tract organs through the EUS procedure.

Preparing for EUS test

In the EUS test, patients are sedated first and then the endoscope is inserted orally or rectally. Two recordings are obtained for the doctor’s observation: the traditional videos of the camera from the endoscope and the ultrasound images from the transducer. The entire procedure may take between 1-2 hours. Once the effect of the sedative wears off, you can go home the same day. Informing the operating doctor about all your allergies and medications in advance is best to ensure a smooth procedure. The complications associated with EUS test are almost zilch. But if you feel any discomfort or abnormality after the procedure, our gastrology doctor will be available for any post-procedural assistance.

Advanced EUS Procedure Applications

While EUS is a generally diagnostic procedure, it can also be used for several other advanced applications some of which are listed below:

  • Endoscopic Ultrasound Biopsy:EUS biopsy uses a fine needle to obtain samples from organs such as liver and pancreas for definitive diagnosis of ailments.
  • EUS-guided Gallbladder Drainage (GBD):When the gall bladder outlet is blocked by a stone or tumor, EUS-guided GBD is used to drain the gall bladder to reduce the infection and swelling. The process of draining the bladder is called cholecystostomy.
  • EUS-guided Hepaticogastrostomy:When the bile duct is blocked due to excess bile or stone, the bile duct is drained through this method. Performing EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy is required when ERCP is not possible.
  • EUS-guided Pseudocyst Drainage/WOPN Drainage: Pseudocyst is collection of fluid in the pancreatic tissues due to pancreatitis. Walled off Pancreatic Necrosis (WOPN) is a subsequent complication of acute pancreatitis. EUS-guided drainage removes the fluid and infection from this cyst through a needle.

As a leading gastrology doctor, Dr. Chirag has performed hundreds of advanced EUS procedures with medical-grade finesse and perfection. Most procedures have a very high success rate with diligent follow-up in place. Book an appointment today to schedule a consultation at Mission Gastro Hospital.