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Difficulty in Swallowing? Let’s Know more

Difficulty in Swallowing? Let’s Know more

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Dysphagia is a scientific word used for difficulty in swallowing.

Swallowing of food is a process through which food is transferred from mouth to stomach. Body parts which play an active part in swallowing are tongue, throat muscles, and food pipe.

Difficulty in swallowing can be due to mouth and throat diseases, neurological diseases and food pipe diseases.

How do we swallow?

Swallowing processes consist of the oropharyngeal phase where food is transferred from mouth to pharynx and then to the esophagus (Food pipe). There are multiple muscles and nervous system control involved.

Once the food reaches food pipe muscles of food pipe push the food to the stomach through a coordinated movement known as peristalsis. It is a wave-like movement where one part of the food pipe relaxes to receive food and part above pushes food downwards to the stomach serially. There is a valve at the lower end of the food pipe which relaxes when food comes there, and food is then pushed to the stomach.

Why does difficulty in swallowing occur?

Difficulty in swallowing occurs when any of above-mentioned actions do not occur at all or do not occur properly. We also feel difficulty in swallowing when there is some block in the food pipe or swallowing pathway.

When should one see a doctor?

Dysphagia is a worrisome symptom and it should be always evaluated by a doctor. Normally if swallowing difficulty is before food reaching to food pipe one must see ENT surgeon. If it is at the level after reaching to food pipe one must see a gastroenterologist doctor.

What are the gastroenterology causes of dysphagia?

Dysphagia can be for solids and for both solids and liquids to start with. Normally dysphagia for solids indicates some block in the food pipe. This block can be due to some tumor or narrowing of food pipe due to some other problem. This can also be due to ulceration in food pipe, drug allergy, food allergy or food impaction.

Dysphagia can also be due to muscle disorder of the food pipe. It is usually for both liquids and solids.

When should the endoscopy be done?

Anyone who has dysphagia will require endoscopy.

What are other investigations that should be done in patients with dysphagia?

Barium swallow, Esophageal manometry, CT scan, Endoscopic ultrasound are other several investigations which will be required inpatient with difficulty in swallowing.

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