What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?
Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common ailments affecting the adult population globally. The reason it occurs is because the contents of your stomach leak back into esophagus due to dysfunction of the sphincter valve that regulates the flow of substances between the two organs. Due to this reflux, you commonly experience the following symptoms:
- Burning sensation in the chest/heartburn
- Chest pain
- Trouble in swallowing
- Chronic coughing
The general course of acid reflux treatment includes antacids and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). However, these over the counter medications are sometimes unfit for some patients as a result of which GERD remains untreated. Gastroesophageal reflux continues to worsen in some patients. Some GERD patients develop complications like Barrett’s Esophagus and adenocarcinoma.

GERD Endoscopy Treatment
The endoscopic therapy for GERD employed at Mission Gastro Hospital uses GERDx ® latest technology to perform non-invasive treatment. The patient is administered general anesthesia for this acid reflux treatment. GERDx ® system is introduced in the patient into the stomach. Another endoscope is inserted esophageal to visualize the device and the junction. After that, the GE junction is tightened by endo-clipping. As a result, the reflux into the esophagus is prevented. Dr. Chirag Shah is one of the very few gastroenterology specialists in the country who can skillfully perform this endoscopic therapy for GERD.
Benefits of Endoscopic Therapy for GERD
There are several benefits to GERD endoscopy, the most prominent one being that it is entirely non-invasive and doesn’t require any surgical procedures. Some more advantages of endoscopy for GERD are mentioned below:
- It is a day procedure, so you can return home same day
- No side effects like that with PPIs and the subsequent need for these OTC medications also reduces
- The need for surgical fundoplication endoscopy for GERD reduces
- Improves the quality of life for patients drastically
To ensure that your body is able to retract to a daily routine after the GERD endoscopy, you must follow all the recommended nutritional and dietary habits. You must also strive to lead an active lifestyle and check-in for a follow up after the endoscopy to confirm no complications post-treatment.